The ELFA corpus was completed in 2008, and it now stands at one million transcribed words, which equals 131 h of recorded speech. Opting for a corpus of spoken rather than written discourse was


The paper presents the ELFA (English as a Lingua Franca in Academic Settings) project, which has compiled the first corpus of academic English as a lingua franca (the ELFA corpus: English as a Lingua Franca in Academic Settings). KW - 612 Languages and Literature. KW - English Linguistics. M3 - Chapter. SN - 978-0-472-03460-4. SP - 94. EP - 117

The Education University of Hong Kong. With additional technical support by the Education University of Hong Kong Library. Mauranen, A. 2003a. "The Corpus of English as Lingua Franca in Academic Settings". TESOL Quarterly 37 (3), 513-527. Research.

Elfa corpus

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The ELFA corpus has been used as a resource in the following publications. If you have used the corpus in your own research, please let us know using the feedback form. See also the project home page. Forthcoming The ELFA corpus consists of authentic speech in the sense that it has not been elicited for research purposes. The recorded speech events are complete sessions. ELFA Corpus: Abstract: The academic field has used English as a lingua franca widely for a long time, and is a good choice for an ELF corpus. It is useful to restrict ELFA corpus – 30 conference presentations from the Corpus of English as a Lingua Franca in Academic Settings (ELFA).

Välkommen till Elfa! Vi är experter på förvaring och lösningar med måttanpassade hyllor, backar och skjutdörrar till ditt hem.

The ELFA corpus was completed in 2008, and it now stands at one million transcribed words, which equals 131 h of recorded speech. Opting for a corpus of spoken rather than written discourse was

Anna Mauranen is Professor of English. She has directed the compilation of the spoken ELFA corpus and the written WrELFA corpus of academic ELF. Her latest book, Exploring ELF: Academic English shaped by non-native speakers (2012), reports her findings from the ELFA corpus.

Elfa corpus

2. Description of the corpus and methodology The corpus used for the investigation of allo-repetition in an ELF context is the 63,029-word subcorpus of spoken academic medical interactions contained in the ELFA corpus. The ELFA corpus is represented by approximately 131 hours of recorded speech and

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Elfa corpus

Avljudsform t. hy elfa (Wess-. 1108, 20005813, Noll Corpus, Dansproduktioner, SE769610314701 251215-0, ELFA AB, SE556275497701, ELEKTRONIKHÖJDEN 14  34, » Jenny Lundqvist, Corpus Nacka, 3647, 49:19. 35, » Karin Bäckström 219, » Eva Stenberg, Elfa Rushing Team, 3519, 56:04. 220, » Gina  Detta beviljades. ELFA hade lämnat offertförslag på apparatur W5PUQ, J Todd Langdon, 5009 Cape Romain, Corpus Chris ti , 78412 Texas. 679, Corpus-Gullers.
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Elfa corpus

28 Jan 2014 It is based on the millionwordHelsinki ELFA corpus of academic speech in English produced (mainly) byspeakers with a different home  interactions included in the one million-word ELFA (English as a Lingua Franca in Academic. Settings) corpus. More specifically, following Kaur's (2009)  Bartis, I. (!!Other) (2013).

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A Rich Domain of ELF - the ELFA Corpus of Academic Discourse The academic field has used English as a lingua franca widely for a long time, and is a good choice for an ELF corpus. It is useful to restrict the scope of exploratory research in one way or another, mode and domain offering themselves as clear and reasonably unproblematic limiters in language sampling.

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6 May 2017 The size of the ELFA corpus is one million words with 650 speakers and discourse marker in the ELFA corpus are analysed and described, Senast redigerad av corpus 2008-09-12 kl.

Vissa korpusar är tillgängliga endast genom att använda redskap via kommandorader på Språkbankens server (